Sports, Sundays and Sabbath

I went to Bible college in a small town. Things were slow in that small town. I remember trying to go to IGA once on a weeknight. It was like 6:03 PM and main street was a ghost town. I came from the city where you can get a junior bacon cheeseburger at 2 AM if you want This was NEW to me. There was one restaurant open on Sunday afternoons.... maybe 1-4 PM and other than that, NOTHING. The town was literally closed. People were resting. 

The college also did this wonderful thing and had no classes on Monday's. I remember someone telling me it was so Sunday could actually be for Sabbath. My 18 year old self had NO IDEA what a truly wonderful concept that was.

Tonight I happened upon a post in a Christian moms Facebook group I'm part of asking for advice, insight or opinions on sports and church. The tiny box was too frustratingly small for my long wind which is how this particular blahg got started. 

This was the post:

"Can we talk sports and church? We are a sports loving family for sure but my husband and I also grew up with no sports on Sundays. However society has changed and sports are almost always on a Sunday now. :( we are so torn on this issue. Wondering how you guys decided or what works best for you?"

There were lots of things I wanted to weigh in on. I grew up in a sports playing family which as also the Pastor's family. I didn't play sports on Sunday. My younger sister had many Sunday sports opportunities. In university, I majored in Phys. Ed with endless discussions on kids and sports, sports and rest, kids and burn out, over-training and so many other things to do with the technical side of sports.

But as I pondered, the thing weighing the heaviest on my heart is something that I've been wrestling with for the past couple of years. REST. 

I don't really think sports on Sunday is the real issue. I think the real issue is that we do not know how to cease striving. We're too busy keeping up. 

We aren't just keeping up with the Jones' anymore. I'm not sure where we stand with the Kardashians but I have noticed that parties and living rooms have to keep up with Pinterest and life has to keep up with Instagram. Our kids even have to keep up with whatever milestones our friend's kids are accomplishing and activities they're doing.

We are so lost on rest. I am so lost on rest.

And I think it's because we're afraid. I think I'm afraid. I'm afraid of missing out. I'm afraid my kids will miss out on the best opportunities (in sports or otherwise). I'm afraid that not doing and being, won't be enough. 

But then there's this: 

"Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10) 

What if before we dive into whichever rat race we feel the pull toward, (because every season of life has one), we regularly stop and take time to be still before Him. Maybe we'll remember He's God and we're not. Maybe we'll read the part where He says, "I will be exalted," because when we stop, and He does what only He can do, He gets the glory. 

I know that God has been pressing me to find a rhythm of rest in my life. Where I live, and do and operate from a place of resting in Him, not fear of missing out on something or not being enough. I get the sense that this is where the good life is.  A lifestyle of rest. Because rest comes from trust. 

I would love to hear from you! What areas do you struggle to cease striving? Why is it so dang hard for us to rest?