Following Jesus is This Simple

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My mom and I boarded the plane and buckled in for the short plane ride one province west.  As we cruised at 35,000 feet, I turned to her and said, "How did this even happen?" I was referring to the opportunity that we had to lead breakout sessions at a leadership conference for women. She laughed and confessed, "I was wondering that same this week as I packed my suitcase!"

She proceeded to tell me about a time when she was a very new follower of Jesus. The church she was attending and serving at was offering vacation Bible school for children. She and a few  other moms had their hands free for a couple of hours after dropping their kids off. Someone from the church had asked if she would do a Bible study with some of the community moms. She said yes. 

If you are in Christ, you are called.

When it comes to walking in your calling. You can't pre-chart the course. You can simply say yes when He asks you to do something. Where do I start?  

Love Him. Make it your goal to know and love Jesus. 

My husband and I started dating when landlines were still a common thing. Somehow we managed to get through the days without constant communication with each other but boy, did I ever look forward to those afternoon and early evening phone calls. I loved to ask him questions and because it was the enthralled stage, he was willing to answer them. I was fascinated to learn about him, to ask his family abut him. It wasn't long before I fell in love with him. That's what happens when you spend an inordinate amount of time with a person who your heart is tender toward.

Times have changed and thanks (or no thanks) to technology, communication isn't limited to after work. 

Love people. Simply meet a need. Just do it.

I'm willing to bet you don't have to look far to find someone who needs encouragement, some practical help, a listening ear, or a helping hand. 

If your goal is these two commandments, in this order, at some point you will look back over your shoulder and be able to begin tracing the path of God's story in your story.