Have you made room?

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“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7, KJV)

Here we are, less than a week away from Christmas, and I can’t help but ask, have I made room for the real Christmas? Life only seems be fuller every year. Every year I vow that next year will be different— the shopping will be done before December, the decorations will be hung and the busy work will be behind me so I can have room to fully embrace the season.

But then I wake up, and I’m still me, still not 30 days ahead of the curve. There are gifts I haven’t yet bought, presents I haven’t yet wrapped, and cookies that haven’t yet been baked.

Have I made room for Jesus, or, when He comes to give me the very things I hustle so hard after in this season— love, peace, joy and presence, am I so busy that I forget I already have them?