Jennie's Story: When You Are Tired of Being Just Fine

I noticed her unstoppable flow of tears as we discussed the blessings we have available to us in Christ. I got that sense deep within me that God was at work and there was more to this story.

Unbenouced to me, it was her first time at a women’s Bible study. I later found out, it was also unbencouced to her. She reluctantly said yes when our friend invited her to a “women’s group” not fully knowing what she had agreed to.

When the study concluded, she lingered a little longer and I sensed the Holy Spirit prompting me to share how to have a relationship with God through Jesus.

See what happened here:

This video is Courtesy of CNBC’s Pray for the Harvest where CNBC Churches pray for people in our families, workplaces and neighbourhoods who do not yet know the love of God through a relationship with Jesus Christ.