Nothing But Faithful & Anything But Ordinary

In January 2017, the title, "Anything But Ordinary" dropped into my mind much like mail used to fall into our house through the slow built into the front door. For years, I wondered what this mystery book would be about. In the fall of 2020, it seemed like God was beckoning me to my desk and it was time to write. Soon, it became clear. This book was about my dad and finding faith that works when life doesn't.

The book opens on May 5, 2008 when I received a phone call from my dad that he had been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). After I hung up, I went to my living room, dropped to my knees and said, "Thank you for what did in his life in 1986." The words surprised me. Thank you? They were not what I expected out of my mouth after such shock but there they were, pointing me back to the beginning of my dad's faith which laid the foundation for my own. This was the time he put his faith in Jesus and crossed over from death to life. This was the foundation for the gratitude and hope I felt on the day of the fateful phone call that in the face of death there was a promise of life.

God seemed to have everything I would need to write this book— the people, the stories, the documents, ready to go. I simply had to show up and write. (There were probably enough God-stories to write a book about writing the book!) Much of it was written through blurry, tear-filled eyes. There was much grief that I didn't know still needed to be felt and processed. Fear loomed in the wings and sometimes even pressed right down on my mind like a heavy weight as I relived the symptoms, the suffering and the journey to the end of his time here on earth. I also cried happy tears at the faithfulness of God as I saw so clearly how he had connected so many dots.

But the closer I got to the end, the more it felt like I was digging in my heels— much like a toddler being dragged to a destination they don't want to go to. When I explained this to my counsellor, she said, "That makes sense— you have to say goodbye to your dad all over again. Only this time, you're doing it by yourself." (Insert many more ugly tears.)

I gave myself the goal of finishing the manuscript by August 17, 2021 and buckled down with the Holy Spirit's power in my weakness. When I typed the last words of the last scene... (spoiler alert).... "It was my turn to walk by faith," I instantly felt the heaviness that had been pressing on me for many months lift. It felt like the brunt of the battle was over.

But then came the editing process. I have never edited an entire book. I've never had to think about character development or think about what stories fit where and why. I had no idea where to start. How could I tighten my writing? Feeling overwhelmed by this task I knew nothing about, I set down the manuscript, putting it off at every turn. Every few months someone would ask, "How's the book going? When can I read it?" I had no idea. I felt stuck and unsure of how I was going to get the book across the finish line.

In March I got a message from a friend telling me about a contest put on by Word Alive Press called the Braun Book Awards. It was for unpublished but completed manuscripts. I felt a strong sense from the Lord to enter. But then, I missed the deadline. (Yup, really. Forgot. Entirely.) I found out a few days after the deadline that it had been extended and felt a fresh breath of hope and an even stronger push to enter. The winners would be announced before the end of June.

The last Friday of May, my phone rang. I didn’t answer the call from Winnipeg, Manitoba as I was sure I was going to be told that I either owed a million in unpaid taxes or had inherited a million from my long-lost-recently-deceased-prince-uncle. After clicking ignore not once but twice, I checked the voicemail. "This is so-and-so calling from Word Alive Press. I have some news about your manuscript. Please call me back.

I dialed without delay and within seconds, I was once again completely blown away by God's faithfulness. I was told the committee was moved by my book and that they wanted to publish it. Anything But Ordinary had won the non-fiction category!

Once again I was reminded that when God calls you, HE is the one faithful to complete it.

He can be trusted. His timing is perfect. I hung up and cried thinking about how once again His grace was sufficient. Many more people would now be able to find hope through this story.

Since then, I've had the privilege of working with an amazing editor whose expertise is more than I could've asked for. A friend of my dad's has fundraised so copies of the book can be donated to the ALS Society upon publication and so an audiobook copy can be produced. (Stay tuned for how you can be involved if you'd like to be part of spreading hope with this book!)

I'm learning so much in this process! Soon the book will go to typesetting, layout, cover and then to the presses! I can't wait to share this message with you so you can be encouraged in your faith that can work even when life doesn't.

Whatever you're facing today, know that God has a way through even when you can't see it.

He won't leave you hanging out to dry. He is for you, not against you.

Keep trusting him!