To My Mama on Mother's Day {Surprised by Grace}

To My Mama, my hero in the faith and life: 

With each year and this past year especially I have grown in gratitude for you. You may remember this story. It embodies so much of what I want to say thank you for today. 

This brand new 16-year old driver was relishing in the privledge of cruising to high school in the family minivan. You either read me the riot act about speeding and what would happen in the event of an accident, or I assumed it. Either way, I drove with fear and trembling and full conviction that any sort of driving infraction would conclude my driving career. 

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Coffee for the Weary Mama's Soul

Here are a few of my recent faves I thought you might enjoy... 

This post on 7 Things Mom Really Wants this Mother's Day. It got me thinking about a few things I appreciate in this season with littles:

Affirmation: When my man (or someone else) takes the time to note the effort I've put into something or someone, it makes a hefty deposit in my emotional tank. If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me, "you must be busy," or "you must have your hands full," I could hire a housekeeper! We can do better than this. Mothers of littles have full hands, and we also have full hearts. Say something to affirm a mother's effort rather than simply stating the obvious. We already know we are busy. 

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If you're feeling lonely, do this.

At our latest installment of Supper Club, us ladies sat around the table laughing, talking and sharing life. This once-a-month gathering is one of those times you want to slow time down and savor it. We marveled at how much childhood has changed from when we were kids until now over Korean barbeque and coffee. We discussed how our mothers had only the temptation to keep with the Jones' (if they were in fact next door) rather than hundreds of Jones' on newsfeeds. We laughed about how we've all seen pictures of our Facebook friend with clean and perfectly coifed hair with smiling children on her third outing of the week, while we feel worse about sitting at home still in pajamas with unbrushed teeth and no plans, and it's not Saturday. C.S. Lewis said, "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What? You too? I thought I was the only one.

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The First Place to Follow Him {A Bit More About How}

It started with chopsticks and coasters then quickly expanded to include corkboard hot pads. My little man found has taken to dwumming. Any song in our house now has a little extra percussion whether by chopsticks, pens, or the little palms of his hands. He was recently upgraded to a practice pad and his own set of kid-size drumsticks by our friend Dewwick who was kind enough to also throw in some lessons. The smile on my little man's face was bigger than every Christmas morning combined.

Derrick’s teaching strategy aimed higher than simply rudiments. He started out with the goal to instill a love for music in my son. His little hands have already drummed along to jazz and rock among other things. Derrick’s reasoning is that without a glimpse of the bigger picture he will lack the motivation to learn, practice and master the rudiments. 

Too often, we approach Bible study with only a rudiment mentality. It’s necessary and you should do it. The rudiments have become primary principles instead of building blocks of music.

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